Saturday, April 14, 2007

1 Month of Books You Should Read

Dear friends,

Watch this space: this blog is part of a series attempting to answer the most important 300 questions I've been asked in 18,000-plus hours of counseling/talking to people - and learnings from 70 years of a fulfilling life. Here we'll look at some of the greatest books ever written - especially, but not exclusively, about Christianity.
Other Blogs in this series:

1 Month to Meet the Baptists

1 Month of Answers to Tough Questions

1 Month of Devotions

1 Month to Change Your Life

1 Month to Meet Some Interesting People

1 Month to Become a Christian

1 Month To Meet Jesus

Basic idea: you read one of the 30 posts each day and complete a 'mini-course' in a month. (I might even organize a certificate for those who complete the 300 units!)

Some of the material will be adapted from the 20,000 articles on the John Mark Ministries website. It's a big site, (although many of the 100,000+ unique visitors a month tell me it's easy to navigate).

I look forward to journeying with you!



Here's a tentative list of the authors/books which have changed my life, and will probably feature here:

Thomas Merton - New Seeds of Contemplation
John Claypool - especially Tracks of a Fellow Struggler
John Stott - especially his Tyndale commentary on 1 John
C S Lewis - especially Mere Christianity
Lesslie Newbiggin - especially Gospel in a Pluralist Society
Augustine of Hippo - Confessions, together with
Matthew Fox - Original Blessing
Richard Rohr - Contemplative Prayer
Brian McLaren - A Generous Orthodoxy
Walter Brueggemann - The Prophetic Imagination
Richard Foster - Celebration of Discipline, Streams of Living Water
W E Sangster - The Pure in Heart, and his son's biography Doctor Sangster
Eugene Peterson - The Contemplative Pastor
Garrison Keillor - everything
Henri Nouwen - Creative Ministry
Dom Helder Camara - A Thousand Reasons for Living
Vincent Donovan - Christianity Rediscovered
Favorite poems and hymns (Isaiah 40, When I Survey, There's a Wideness in God's Mercy etc.)
N T Wright & Marcus Borg - The Meaning of Jesus
Marvin McMickle - Where Have All the Prophets Gone?
Frank Laubach - anything...

and some more.... can't wait!


Rowland Croucher